Beauty In Lagos

First for all things Beauty, in Lagos!


Wednesday, 11 May 2016


I am pretty sure after reading this Out and About post on Lilian Collins Spa, a few people were curious to know more about some of the treatments offered. Well I sure was, so I went back in to have a chat with the owner about a few of their more popular treatments so I could share with you guys.

Discovering and sharing beauty brands and locations has always been the reason why I started BeautyInLagos and I am so happy to still be doing this 4years later. I started this blog because I was absolutely convinced that ANYTHING could be found in Nigeria. The only problem was that the people who knew were hoarding the information and so I created BiL to share such information. Over the years I have discovered and shared so much, and am incredibly blown away by what this country has to offer in terms of beauty. I hope that you guys are starting to realize the notion that one needs to travel abroad in order to experience the latest beauty fads or trends, is slowly beginning to seem like a myth.

Lilian Collins Spa is, in my opinion, one of the most technologically-advanced medspas in the country. The brains behind this establishment prides herself in staying ahead of the game and remains constantly in search of the latest and most-effective gadgets that can be incorporated as part of their services provided. From the LED Light Facial made popular by Kim Kardashian to the Non-Surgical Facelift treatment endorsed by the likes of Jennifer Lopez & Madonna.  I was very curious to learn more about a couple of these popular treatments offered and more importantly,  if they actually work.

Cryo & Laser Lipolysis

This machine targets regions of the body that produce 'stubborn' fat. Such areas include: upper arms, inner thighs, the hips, love handles, bra pouch and male boobs. If you can pinch it, cryo/laser can treat it.

How it works
Laser first and then the Cryo straight after. The laser emits heat which perforates the fat cells in the area being treated causing them to break down and flow into the surrounding area, while the cryo, a cold system, destroys the fat cells. At every point in time the laser burns 350-500 calories into the system and this needs to be burnt immediately, the client is strongly advised to be active in order to burn the fat. Drinking lots of water is also encouraed, as sweating also eases out the calories. The procedure can be slightly uncomfortable, but for the most part is completely painless. You may also experience some redness in the area for a few days after due to the cryo.

Over a 2month period, along with a healthy lifestyle, it is expected that the patient loses up to 3-5 inches off the area of treatment. You are advised not to undergo any additional treatments within the 2month period in order to maximise the benefits of cryo/laser.

Non-Surgical Facelift

CACI Ultimate
This system was first created for medical purposes, used to treat patients suffering from Bell's Palsy. But since then it's been introduced in medspas to carry out procedures on the face as well as the body. Procedures such as: Jaw Lift, Face Lift, Eye Lift as well as Butt Lift! It's also used to treat people who may have lost weight rapidly from dieting or a gastric bypass procedure.

The machine works by retraining the muscles to revert to their original firmness and elasticity, it does this by emitting micro currents.

LED Light Facial

The LED Light Facial has got different light settings that are created to target different skin conditions:

Green: Skin Balancing
Blue: Anti Bacterial (Sterilization for patients who suffer from acne)
Yellow: Inflammation
Orange: Radiance
Red: Wrinkles
Purple: Rejuvenation

The LED facial can be done alongside other traditional facials, or on it's own. The recommended treatment schedule is twice a week for 12 sessions.

If you have anymore questions concerning these or any other treatments offered at the spa, I provided their contact details in this post.

Hope you enjoyed this post!

Ez xxX


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