Beauty In Lagos

First for all things Beauty, in Lagos!


Thursday, 14 July 2016


Cointreau is an orange-flavoured liquer used to create signature delicious cocktails, everyone that attended my Directory launch party can testify to just how GOOD their cocktails are.

In April this year I attended the launch of Cointreau’s global philanthropic programme Cointreau Creative Crew (CCC). I shared that entire experience on snapchat (Username: BeautyInLagos), for those who were following me at the time, it was the one where Alfred Cointreau the great grandson of Edouard Cointreau (founder) gave us all a cocktail masterclass. Well all that was done to launch the CCC initiative and they are now accepting applications for the grant!

The objective of the Cointreau Creative Crew is to promote the development of women’s creative freedom and expression as well as encourage women to work towards taking their initial dream and extending it into a tangible creative reality.

The programme will provide an entrepreneur with €20,000 as a means of support for their creative project. The grant is also open to men.

To apply* click here

All applicants must be over 23 and resident in Nigeria.

1 comment

  1. Hi,
    I thought I saw the deadline for this was to be in September,is application still on?


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