Beauty In Lagos

First for all things Beauty, in Lagos!


Friday, 1 July 2016


I recently picked up these powders because I needed to re-up on my supply.

Laura Mercier 'Translucent' Loose Setting Powder - N16,500

I am running really low on my Sacha Buttercup Powder, so I decided to try something different for a change. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Sacha one, in fact it's at Holy Grail status for me at the moment, I just wanted to see what all the hype was about with this Laura Mercier one.

Since I purchased it, I've used it once and so far so good!

Maybelline Clear Smooth All In One 'Honey' - N2,500

So I've got a little story to share about this Maybelline powder. A few months after Maybelline launched in Nigeria (3years ago) a bunch of us were invited down to the L'Oreal offices for an event. During the course of the event they talked us through some of the L'oreal brands like Dark and Lovely, SoftSheen Carson, Maybelline, etc. After the session we were then asked to step up to a table so we could get matched to our shade in the Clear Smooth range. You guys, I couldn't be matched, I was like 'WAAAHHHHYY' I had heard so much about the Clear Smooth powder and how it was formulated with our climate in mind, was so eager to test it out only to find my shade was not considered. So two years later, I'm really happy with this additional offering they've included in the Clear Smooth range! Been using it every single day since I picked it up, and I have got no complaints.

Allow me to let you guys in on a little tip about makeup: the key to a long-lasting makeup base is your primer! People ask "Oh, what powder should I purchase that'll get my makeup to last all day?"... Answer: "None!". It's all about what products you use at the 'base' not over the 'top', kind of like building a house if the foundation isn't done right, no matter how many fixtures and fittings it's all going to come crashing down. The other day at the Lagos Makeup Fair I was chatting with Theo of DoranneBeauty and she said she had very oily skin, let me tell you every singly time I've run into Theo she's always looked flawless. So I asked her, what primer do you use and she mentioned a combination of four different primers I can't remember at the moment. But the point I'm trying to make is, invest in a good primer and you're already more than halfway to solving your problem.

So powders are used to 'finish up' a look and set everything in place, but they won't be your answer to 'oily skin'. A good skincare routine and primer are the secret to great makeup!

Let's help each other out in the comments, by answering the question below:

What's your favourite primer?

Ez xxX



  1. The becca ever matte pore less perfecting primer is holy grail for me. Although I'm in search for a dupe as this Nigerian economy is not pocket friendly for such product. Great post !

    1. Yup! Becca always comes up whenever I talk primers and was also one of the primers Theo mentioned as part of her combination. Hopefully someone shares a possible Dupe in the comments:

      Thanks for reading! :)

  2. Yes please, I'm really interested in finding a primer that works. I've been using the Nivea Men after shave balm as a primer (thanks to all the hype) which helps a bit but it would be nice to find a real primer lol.

    1. Haha! I feel you on wanting a 'real primer'. I actually spotted that aftershave here in Lagos a couple months ago, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy it, you're brave girl lol!

  3. Sacha butter cup is Bae. I love Maybelline clear smooth as well and yes Proper prep is key to lasting makeup. I love priming with LA girl setting spray and MOM on top of it.

    1. I know! I've got a soft spot for Sacha, but I want to see if there's something better! Go easy on the MOM, try not to use it too often. Save it for extra special occasions only.

  4. i don't know about dupe for becca but i use no 7 beautifully matte and its quite good and like drone i combine too one matte one and one silky velvety one as well this is after moisturising my face and letting it dry

    1. I actually have that No.7 primer on my list of primers to try out. Glad to read another positive review about it! Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Where in lagos can I get th Becca primer, am very very oily and someone recommended Becca. Pls, help a sister

    1. There's quite a few online retailers that sell the Becca primer:,,,,, At least one of them should have it in stock :)

  6. Accurate!The last two paragraphs. People always work up to me and ask same... "what powder or foundation or whatever makeup brand" i use to achieve my look. The real deal is the base and a good enough skincare routine. I use two face primers(one for pores and the other matte for oily areas) and a finishing spray in my makeup application along side taking care of my skin. So makeup look's awesome anytime you see 'cause the base is in place. Not to forget i have ridiculously oily/acne prone skin,so good skincare routine is a must for me. It's the first step to that flawless makeup look! In between boots no.7 beautiful matte makeup base is good enough for me (currently using)after Becca.
    Good post Ez. I Will try maybelline clear smooth again. I didn't love it the first time tho..

    1. Yup! Thank you SO much for sharing all this information and tips! Seems like I need to get the NO.7 primer sooner rather than later!

      Why didn't you like the Clear smooth?

    2. The first time i tried it was when it broke out... I picked up Toffee but found it was somewhat dark for me. I tried using it as a light powder.; but after a while i started breakong out in the area i used it the most. Hence my stopping it. Maybe one of these days I'll pick it up and try it again. It's a decent powder.

  7. Having oil blotting papers is a must for me, especially for oily skin beauties. I guarantee it will help keep your face matte without looking flat or taking off your makeup throughout your makeup wear. Even before a touch up, blot your face first to remove excess oil from before. My fav oil blotting paper is from MaryKay. It works good and it's about twice the size per sheet of most oil blotting papers of other brands i have used.

    1. There's a few things I need to get from Mary Kay it seems. There's just some brands people tend to 'sleep' on. Mary Kay have got a few gems in their product line, I heard their Eye makeup remover is really good as well. Need to find a rep in Lagos.

      Thanks so much for commenting and sharing all these great tips! :)

  8. I've used Zaron and E.L.F. primers although I'm not 100% sure if they help me stay matte. I haven't checked very well :(

    Berry Dakara Blog

    1. Seems like they work for you, if they didn't you won't need to have to check :)

  9. I now use a combination of the Nivea after shave balm and no 7 beautifully matte and it's a pretty good combination but not the wow I want so you can say i'm still not where I want to be with primers.

  10. The Laura Mercier translucent powder is great but a tad too mattifying and that is saying a lot because I love me a nice matte look, lol. It does prevent creasing under the eyes, etc. As far as my favorite primer, hands down it would be the Body Shop "Tea Tree Pore minimizer". When I tell you my make up does not move ehnnn, even after I Shoki finish at a party/wedding, my make up still looks like I just put it on. A great alternative to that would be Nyx Skin Elixir Balance (Tea Tree) and it's a bit more affordable and easier to find. Great post as usual. God bless!

    1. hahahahaha!! Your comment cracked me up!! Oooooh, anything we tea tree oil in it has got my attention! Adding that to my list! Thanks so much for sharing :)

  11. Zaron Primer does the job for me, but I have a normal skin.

  12. I used to think I had really oily skin but I realized that it was mostly my T-Zone and cheeks that could fry a dozen eggs. Separately. -_-

    I've only tried 2 primers. One of them Zaron. They both don't work for me to be honest. I've tried the method of blotting and setting your primer. Nada. I've heard (from Amra) about the Smash box foundation primer. I'm hoping to get that soon. Is it any good? (But No 7 first lol)

    About Maybelline, i got the Dream Matte Mousse a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely, completely, totally dislike it. As at now. I don't want to say I hate it because I'm still trying to find the good in it. After about 3/4 hours, my cheeks and T-zone have the most annoying golden sheen. No. Not the nice highlighter kind of gold. Very much like grease on a pan. Horrible! The clear smooth powder is great though.

    Oof! That's long.

  13. Having read all the hype, i finally got the Becca primer from beautymartng. I can say it is worth the hype and every penny. The 'groundnut oil' on my face has disappeared.

  14. I currently use Benefits matte rescue and I swear by it. I'm thinking of getting the benefits porefessional for the pores around my cheekbones that don't allow my higlight pop as much.


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