Beauty In Lagos

First for all things Beauty, in Lagos!


Friday, 21 August 2015


Hallo and TGIF!!

There seems to be a lot going on in BiL world these days, it's insane. So I've got this pink notebook where I jot down all my ideas and projects, I call it my 'BiL Ideas & Projects' notebook, we'll just nickname it 'BiP'. I am extremely forgetful it's ridiculous, I can walk into a room and forget immediately why I am there. It might sound comical, but it really was a problem at one point but I am getting much better now and one of the things that's helped me is writing things down. Anyway, so back to my original story... So in this BiP notebook there's lots of ideas and stuff, including a 'projects list' and I am steady working my way through them, one of which I'm getting set to launch next week.... BiL Master Educator Series

The main idea behind this project is for professionals in various industries to share their knowledge. I truly believe that giving is far more rewarding than receiving. And the thing is, when you give, you are actually receiving a lot more than you even realize.

I follow a LOT of makeup artists, entrepreneurs and creatives on Instagram, I tend to scroll through their comments from time to time and the thing that strikes me the most is the number of people asking to learn ''how they did this'' or ''how they did that'' or ''I wish I could do that too''. People just generally want to learn, and they want to learn from people they believe know their stuff..... the people they look up to.

BiL Master Educator Series offers the opportunity for EVERYONE to learn from seasoned professionals at a fraction of the cost. I believe knowledge is power, and you can never get enough... One should never stop learning. On this project I decided to partner-up with one of the biggest online beauty-stores in Nigeria and also a BiL Directory Vendor,  My MakeupNG. Tayo, the lady behind MyMakeupNg, is just as passionate as I am about this. She's also a Makeup Artist and actually learned a few tricks of the trade from one of our Master Educators in the series. So she knows from a personal perspective, how extremely beneficial the series will be. The series is also an empowerment programme, knowledge truly is power and we want women who have an interest in learning/further developing skills in order to empower themselves financially to have an affordable avenue to do so. We are also going to be working with a number of NGOs to offer free seats to a number of women who may be unable to afford the fees for a class. Our key strategy is affordability, most of these professionals charge fees that could make your eyes water, and if I'm being honest they are indeed charging their worth! But not everyone can afford that, so we've asked them to give just 2hours of their time and offer their services at a hugely discounted rate.... and they've said yes!

The series will run master classes nationwide, starting with Lagos. There will be master classes taught by renowned professionals in the following areas:

  • Makeup Artistry
  • Hair Styling/Hair Care
  • Photography
  • Manicure/Nail Techniques
  • Employable Skills Training(Bead Making, Organic/Natural product formulation, etc.)
  • Brand Marketing & Social Media Management
  • Blogging
  • Beauty Retail
We will be kicking off the series with Makeup Artistry! No surprises there I'm sure..

These are our very first set of Makeup Master Educators! I cannot put into words how grateful I am to these ladies for coming onboard this project! This is the first round of Makeup Artists, wait till you see who we have on the roster next year! There will be one Makeup Master Class taught each month by a different Master Educator (ME), starting this month!. Each class will be unique as it is tailored towards the ME's key strengths.

Celebrity Makeup Artist, Joyce Jacob, kicks off the series next week Tuesday, 25th of August!

Venue: A White Space
Address: 58 Raymond Njoku Street, off Awolowo Road, Ikoyi Lagos
Time: 12noon PROMPT
Fee: NGN5,000

If you are interested in signing up for a Master Class with Joyce please send an email to or call 08182910730 and you will be furnished with information on how to pay.

Seats are very limited as we are only allowed a certain number of people in the venue, so your space will only be reserved after payment is received.

Really did not want this post to be a lengthy one but I wanted to share as much as I can about this! If you follow me on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter this won't be news to you, but the exact details about the series will be new info.

Thanks for your continued support, without readers there'll be no BiL so I am always grateful for this my little spot on the internet that you choose to visit! :) Hope to see you all sign-up for the series, we are also working on our website and I will be sure to share the link once it goes live!

Have an awesome weekend!

Ez xxX



  1. Congratulations!!! BTW will the classes be hands-on, or you're watching and listening?


    Berry Dakara Blog

    1. Thanks Hun! No, they aren't hands-on its a watch, listen and take notes! :)

  2. Firstly, i think this is a superb idea. However, for Lagos, can we possibly have a weekend class say Saturday or Sunday?
    I feel like if Abuja can have a Sunday class, Lagos maybe able to have one in the nearest future.
    I would love to attend but a weekday may not be very convenient for us 'working-class' folks.

    1. Absolutely agree with you! We've received a lot of feedback suggesting we schedule the classes on the weekends. We are right now working on that. We want everyone to be able to come, we are learning as we go along! Hope you'll be able to make our future classes :) xx


I'd love to hear from you! :)

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