Beauty In Lagos

First for all things Beauty, in Lagos!


Friday, 24 August 2012

What's in My MakeUp Bag

Hi Guys!
So this is a post I LOVE reading from my favourite bloggers, and I thought "why don't a do one as well". I am such a nosey person in bloggerville. I love when bloggers do a 'What's in my bag' post, or 'How I store my makeup', or 'What I am wearing today'. These posts tell you a little bit more about the person, and most bloggers (myself included), don't really share their personal life on here, but a post like this makes you feel like you have been allowed to share in a bit of their life. Ok maybe not a 'What's in a MakeUp bag' post, but I am hoping you get my drift.

So on Instagram yesterday (Username: @BeautyInLagos), I posted a picture of my Mobile Makeup Bag (MMB), essentially the makeup I have on me when I am on the go. And I got the idea to do a post on it. Hope you like!

So here's my makeup bag. It actually came in a pack of 3 different sized bags, this is the smallest. I use the large one when I have to travel, it takes most of the makeup I need. The medium one used to be my mobile makeup bag, but I felt because it was big, I'd stuff sooooo much makeup I didn't necessarily need in it and it'll make my bag so heavy. SO yeah... downsizing was a necessity

Here's everything in it. I'll do a close-up of the contents in groups of Lips, Face and Eyes. I have only just realized this isn't everything, didn't get a picture of that d'oh lol


I always have a light brown lip-liner, works perfectly with nude-lips. Mine's from LA Colors and it's called Capuccino. The popular one is 'BBQ' by MAC.

I always have a nude/pink-toned lippie and a bright/bold lippie, just incase I need to transition from day-to-night on the move. These are by TopShop makeup.These colours change week by week, or within the week; depending on my mood.

This lip balm is one of those 'Oh wow! this is amazing' products. I didn't expect this to do much because it's on of the items thats stuffed in those airline washbags, in this case it was in my British Airways one. I just thought to try it out whilst on the plane (I never bother with the bags, just the toothbrush and paste to use right before landing), and I was pleasantly surprised. Wish I had asked for some more now.


Kabuki brushes have got to be the BEST thing's ever. Small, dense bristles packed together nicely and picks up just enough product. These brushes are nice and convenient for powder touch-ups on the go. The other brush used to be for my powder touch-up, but now that the kabuki is in my life I have moved this up to be my blush brush on the go.

I ALWAYS have my blot powder with me. Sometimes I use blot paper instead (not pictured). I don't ever touch-up my makeup with actual powder. I feel our climate is faaar too humid to be reapplying powder every single time you get a 'shine', err hello 'CAKEY FACE', no thank you! This blot powder works perfectly for me and I have been using it for yearrsss without a single complaint. As you can see I have already hit pan, love it that much.

Higlighter always necessary when I feel like my face needs a little 'lift'. I can change my highlighter twice in a week, depends on the look I'm going for that day. This one is the popular 'Albatross' highlighter by NARS. I spend all week in the office and it can get a little dull in there, sweeping some highlighter on my cheekbones and down the bridge of my nose really does lift my mood some.

I ALWAYS have a peachy-toned blush with me. I feel like warm-toned blushes will work with nearly every makeup look one has going that day. Cooler-tones are a little more limiting, in my opinion.


There's just the one item for eyes in my bag. I always use eye primers before my eyeliners/shadows go on, and I they last all day for me. So I never need touch-ups in that department. However, I do need to touchup my waterline and tightline, cos these just don't stay put. This eyeliner by MUA is very pigmented and does the job perfectly, it even has a nifty little sharpener perfect when on the go.

So there's everything in my MMB! Do you think that's a lot of makeup to be lugging around? I don't think so, ESPECIALLY when I know I have downsized A LOT this month, you should've seen my bag in June.. So I need a pat on the back for Hopefully I've inspired someone to put one extra item in their MMB or even start carrying an MMB around :D

So tell me, What's in your Mobile MakeUp Bag?

Ez xxX

Let me know if you are interested in more personal posts like this. Like a 'What I wore today', 'How I store my makeup', stuff like that. I can understand if you guys won't be interested as most of these things aren't exactly available in Lagos. But if they are I'll be sure to update this post.


  1. Really cool bit about the blot powder...I guess I'll be getting a new item for my makeup kit.XO

    1. Blot powder is really good. Sometimes I even use it to set my foundation instead of powder. xx

  2. Really nice post. Just downsized to a smaller makeup bag. Definitely makes my handbag much lighter *whew*. Never knew there was anything like blot powder. Will definitely cop that. Wonder if its available in Lagos...

    1. Tell me about it! you never know how much makeup u carry around until your arm starts to hurt! I'll keep an eye out for it, if I find it I'll be sure to provide the infor. Thanks for readingxx

  3. Nice post. I need to downsize my make-up bag. I carry way too many things i don't need in there.

    Yes yes please do a post on what you wear daily? weekly??

    I probably could get inspirations from you :)

    1. Trust me, get a smaller makeup bag. That's how I got to downsize.

      Yay! Thanks, I think I might start writing posts like that. Thoroughly enjoyed typing this up. xx

  4. Plsss,do a post on what u wear,plss do,plss do :) u sound like a really cool person and yeah,I lovvve ur blog :*

  5. I too would love to see what you wear daily or weekly or however often you have time to post. If you don't have time to do a post on it everyday, there's a really cool site called WIWT (What I Wore Today) and it's really easy and quick to take a mobile phone pic and upload it there. I do it all the time. You could link us to that too.

    I carry a non-so-mini mobile make up bag that makes my bag super heavy and means it's nearly impossible to carry anything but a... generously-sized handbag. It's kinda pointless to carry so much since I only ever touch up my lips but yet, I persist. After all, what if on the way home from work I was stopped and asked to participate in a make up challenge... Or something #lesigh. My mini make up bag has:
    3 lipstick options (Revlon and The Body Shop in vivid red shades and a Clinique nude shade)
    1 lip stain (Revlon In a red-coral sort of color)
    1 lip gloss option (Clarins in a nude-pink)
    1 lip balm (Vaseline lip therapy)
    1 eye pencil (The Body Shop in navy blue)
    1 eyeshadow option (Revlon in navy blue)
    1 tube Mascara (The Body Shop)
    1 Cornsilk mattifying powder

    1. Hahaha!! Asked to participate in a make up challenge!! I thought I was I weirdo for having a nude and bright lippies in my bag! Yay! Love it

      Love your selection of makeup in ur MMB. Very similar to mine :D sans the eyeshadow!

      Thanks for sharing!! Xx

  6. Nice lipstick colors!
    Hey I'm your newest follower now, and I hope you will follow me back, it would be great to keep in touch!

  7. A what I wore today and how I store my makeup post sounds fun. Please share makeup tips if you have any...I love the idea of make-up but have zero clue about it....any tip/s will be most appreciated. Please share where your makeup bag is from.
    Many thanks.

    1. Was actually thinking of doing a 'how I store my makeup post'. Think I'm gonna do that next :D I think got my makeup bag in SuperDrug, (Uk pharmacy/beauty store).

      Thanks for reading! Xx

    2. Thanks. Still awaiting your feedback/ideas re makeup tips for a beginner. Looking forward to the how I store my makeup post. Many thanks.

    3. Hi, I am not expert at this, but if you can be more specific on what sort of tips maybe I can work from there with feedback. :) xx

  8. I love this post! When i'm out I like to know I have all my essentials on me even though I may not use them all, at least they are there.
    My mobile Makeup Bag has:

    Vaseline Lip Therapy (The pink one...I love my pink)
    Becca Pressed Powder
    Blusher (MAC Ambering Rose)
    L'Oreal Lip gloss and Juicy Tubes
    MAC russian red lipstick
    Bodyshop Blot Paper
    Blusher & Powder Brush

    Can u please do a post on how you clean your brushes, I use the mac brush cleaner, but since moving to naij i have found this isn't sustainable...and let's be honest it's super pricey! lol

    That 1960 Chick

    1. A lady after my own heart, love Pink! ;). Love that u've got just a bold lip option in your MMB, very brave. And u've got ur pressed powder as well as blot paper. Been meaning to try out some Becca products. They've got a little stand at Nail Place in VI, think I might get something soon.
      I find that the MAC brush cleaner is better suited for on-the-spot cleaning. Like u want to wipe off some dark eyeshadow remnants off your brush before u use it for something lighter. For a deep clean I use mild baby shampoo and it does the job excellently. Haven't got any in particular, I just buy any mild baby shampoo once I run out. Right now I'm using Johnson's Natural Baby shampoo

      Thanks sooo much for reading and sharing the contents of your MMB! Xx

  9. Ok, weird but I keep my necessary makeup items(lipgloss, mirror, hairbrush and blotting papers) in my desk at work, seeing as I spend most of the day at work, another large portion in traffic and the rest of it at home. I used to have my powder there too, but I realized if you take proper care of your skin, you wouldn't need all that, just oil blotters. I use powder occassionally(weddings, events, church sometimes). Then at the end of the week I pack my 'load' home. lol.

    1. Haha! I can TOTALLY relate to how one spends their week in this country. 9-5 in this place ain't easy! Lmao! You pack your 'load' home. I dont think I can leave my makeup at the office. I'd probably get anxiety attacks in the car on my way home haha j/k.

      After looking at your list, I think I need to add a hairbrush to my collection. Thanks for sharing. Xx

  10. Great blog! I really love you and your love for beauty things! Took me ages to find your instagram handle! Please mention it more in your tweets, lool I had to stalk your tweets for ages! Didn't occur to me that it could have been the same name as your handle! Doh!! Really love this blog! Love! Please don't change, and keep your products affordable! Lool xxxx

    1. hahaha!! Noted! I'll be sure to tweet other social media sites that BeautyInLagos is on!! i'm also on Facebook :D

      Thank youuuu xxx

  11. Nice post!I shud so sumn like dis but all I carry around is lipgloss!loool

    The Fashion Engineer

  12. Hey Hey,

    Not the best makeup person out there, so i have a quick q. is blot powder the same as "skin finish"?

  13. I had no idea there was anything like blot powder...Lol....I just discovered your blog recently...and it's there somewhere in Lagos I can get the blot powder? ....I get really shiny


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