Beauty In Lagos

First for all things Beauty, in Lagos!


Monday, 5 March 2012

Cloud9 Food

If you are a 9-5er like myself, you WILL appreciate this post.. trust me. Not about beauty this time, but my blog is about sharing my Lagos discoveries. Ladies do eat!

So here's a company I've seen floating around twitter for quite some time now, but I never really paid as much attention. This was until some time last week when I wanted something different for lunch. You know how it goes in the office, we've got our in-house caterers or the regular fast-food restaurant/chinese  that you order from. But sometimes you just want a change. Cloud 9 was that 'change' for me.

I got their number off a friend, placed my order, stated what time and wanted it delivered, and got it!

This was what I ordered  rice, with chicken and plantain (excuse the mess on my desk). I know, quite a 'regular' order, but it tastes MUCH better than 'regular', trust me

I absolutely LOVE their presentation. I was expecting the usual tin-foil (or is it aluminium? :s) boxes with the cardboard top. But this was nice! Reminds me of the little plates I had when I was growing up, with the partitions in them... Anyways

So here is how they work. You send an email to their box to be added to their mailing list, and then you get sent a Daily Brief of the food menu on every working day of the week, Monday to Friday. They've got three categories on the menu. The 'Mainstays' which are basically what they have available on the menu everyday and a 'Daily Special' which is the special dish for the day, a different one from Monday-Thursday. And then on Fridays they've got what they call 'Barbie Friday', which basically means they've got barbecued meats on the menu.

Cick to Enlarge

Here's a little visual of what the menu looked like on Thursday

This past Friday I ordered something from the 'Barbie Friday' offerings. Brown-Sugar Glazed Barbecue Chops with MacandCheese! YUM! Don't you love their presentation?

'Food Glorious Food!' That's their slogan, very apt!!

Cick to Enlarge

Here's what a Barbie (Barbecue) Friday menu looks like


To be added to their mailing list email: cloud9food[at]gmail[dot]com

Telephone Numbers you can place your orders on (or ask what's on the menu for the day): 07043759329 & 08131384611

You can also order by sending it through to their email address!

Oh and they also offer catering services if you are interested...

Any other lunch-time food vendors with interesting menus?

Ez xxX


  1. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOD GOD!!!! The mac and cheese one with the BBQ chops.. thats my kind of meal! (Minus that salad bit in the corner!)

    1. Haha! Didin't have any of the salad. Hate salad!

    2. What is the point of it??

  2. Whats the average cost of a meal? Do they deliver only on the Island or also mainland? Any extra charges for delivery? The presentation alone has done it for me. Love it! It has also whet my appetite

    1. The average cost is N2000. Delivery prices vary depending on your location on the Island. Yeah, they only deliver to locations on the Island unfortunately :(.

  3. Thii food looks awesome I have to have some well done to whoever runs this resturant they have brains like me.

  4. that food looks delicious especially the

  5. The Shrimp kebabs are awesome.

  6. Came back to check this out. Slept hungry, woke up hungry, rushed off to work, and I need food for my soul and body right now!


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